Friday, June 29, 2007

Random Thoughts

Just a few things from the last few days. I'm staying at my APCD's home for a few nights. (That's Associate Peace Corps Director. Each sector has one. In PC-Malawi, there is an Environmental, Education and Health sector.) We've had a few informal, optional sessions on different things. One interesting short discussion came up about Western charity to Africa. What I mean is Americans donating second-hand clothes to NGOs and other organizations who then turn around and give them to the people. The clothes flood the market and people buy them cheap. Good, right? Well, when people buy these old, American clothes, they don't buy local. Of course, if no one buys local products, there's no market, no industry and, thus, no development. Under one of the past presidents, the sale of second-hand clothes was illegal and there was a relatively prosperous in-country clothes manufacturer which is no longer in business. I don't know details, and I'm not sure I could provide a strong, lengthy argument, but it's one of those interesting moral dilemmas. Does charity help or hinder development?

Also, I'm sure you are all intensely interested in my health. Which has been fine. Some people have been a bit sick, but as long as you get enough protein you'll be OK. I've been eating pork once a week from the local market, lots of beans, soya, groundnuts (peanuts). Any protien-rich goodies from home would be great -- beef jerky, power bar-type stuff, also dried fruit and other healthy (and tasty) stuff. I have lost a bit of weight, but nothing drastic like a few people. Right now I'm in the 195 lb. range. My pants are loose and I may have to punch another hole in my belt soon, but it's all working out for now.

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