Friday, December 08, 2006

Name This Blog Contest

OK, for anyone who actually is checking this, I'd like to tap into your keg of creative juice. I'm looking for a name for this blog, and I'm taking suggestions. You can see what I've got so far. At the very least I need that third word filled in. At best, I need something catchy, creative, different and memorable.

It doesn't have to be a variation of what is there. No idea is too dumb. In may be a combination of suggestions that finally gets used.

So, either leave your comments here or email me at with your thoughts. The person with the winning submission will win a great big bag of satisfaction in knowing they had the winning submission. Oh, and I'll also post some of the most interesting ideas on here later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Matt, I How did you set this up?? It's probably not hard.

My Idea,

"Matt's many malawi mishaps"